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Sunshine and New Beginnings

Starting something new can be intimidating… no less so when it’s the first post on a brand-new blog, on a brand-new website, for a brand-new author! But, here goes!

Welcome to my website! It’s just a little thing right now, as I’m new on the scene and only three months away from the release of my very first novel, but I’m hoping that you and I can build this space together.

Yes, you’re a part of this! Readers are an important part of the process, and I appreciate you taking the journey to Fatal Freeze with me.

As I write this today, the Weather Network says it feels like -22 outside. I’m not a fan of cold weather, but I needed to get some groceries, so I bundled up and headed out into the deep freeze anyway. But you know what? The sun was shining, the ice on my car had already softened, and what I thought would be a miserable journey turned into a pleasant afternoon errand.

Sometimes expectations turn out to be nothing like reality… so I’m heading out on this new author journey with as few expectations as possible. And then hoping for sunshine!