Romance for Haiti Auction is Live!

In case you haven't yet heard, the Romance for Haiti: Auction for Earthquake Relief is now live! Hundreds of romance authors came together to make this possible in an effort to assist support relief in Haiti after the devastation caused by the earthquake earlier this month.
To be totally transparent, I was not personally a part of this auction, but I want to help spread awareness since this is such a fantastic initiative for a great cause.
If you'd like to see what's up for auction -- there's everything from signed books to editing/critique packages to Zoom calls with your favorite romance authors -- please head to the website and get your bids in asap!
Once you're there, you'll also be able to read about the organizations the auction is intending to support. Winning bidders will send their winning bid amount directly to the organizations selected by the Romance for Haiti auction team.
The bidding closes on September 1st at midnight EST.
Monday Morning Musings

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
I'm great at planning.
I can make plans for days. Months! Years! I can list every step and see it in my mind's eye, knowing exactly where my target is and how to reach it.
Actually pulling off the plan?
Uh. Let's just say, in an Ocean's Eight situation, I'd be handing off the actual leadership duties ASAP. It's not that I can't do it -- I definitely can -- but once I see everything laid out in front of me, I get overwhelmed. Too many steps. Too much room for error. Too much energy needed that I suddenly can't summon.
Potential medical reasons for this aside (not a discussion I want to get into!), the fact that I now know this about myself and how I function means I've started to acknowledge where my processes need to change.
Part of me wanted to jump back into this blog and site with a bunch of huge announcements and promises about upcoming projects. I realize now that's... probably not going to serve you OR me in the long run.
I do still have targets and plans, yes. But I'm trying to keep them tighter and more focused. If I can hit the short-term targets, then I can slowly expand my vision. Learn what's manageable. Figure out how I can deliver you amazing stories that I'm excited to write and you're excited to read.
That said, I will let you know very soon about what's first up! And please stay tuned for an official newsletter sign-up in the near future. I realize blogs aren't the best way to get info these days and it's easy to miss news and announcements, so I want to offer a better vehicle to connect with you. I'll post everywhere once that's ready!
In the meantime, let me know how YOU like to plan! Do you make weekly or monthly or even yearly plans for yourself? Are you more of a daily to-do list kind of person, or do you live free of all constraints and take on the challenge of each moment as it comes?
Looking Forward, Looking Back

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
Hello friends, readers, and visitors to this space! It's been a long time. First, if you're here, thank you for stopping by. Second, if you're a reader of my books, thank you for your support. Third, if you're wondering where I've been and what I've been doing, well... let's leave the past in the past and look to the future, shall we? I feel we could all use a little grace with ourselves these days.
For the sake of honesty, and out of gratitude for my readers, I will simply say that mental health reasons kept me away. However, I'm here now! And I have some exciting projects in the works.
I plan to keep this blog updated a little more regularly with info and progress on upcoming releases, as well as some fun & personal posts just about life, what I'm reading, and what I'm learning.
The next year or so will be an interesting one as I work to bring you the same fast-paced, thrilling but sweet romantic suspense stories you expect from Michelle Karl, but I also plan to branch out a touch into less dangersome (but still just as much fun!) character-driven sweet contemporary romance.
It will be a journey for both of us, and I hope you enjoy what's to come as much as you've enjoyed what's gone before.
Here's to acknowledging where we've come from, and looking forward to the road ahead.