Guest Post on Yankee Belle Cafe
I'm a "guest chef" over at Yankee Belle Cafe today, sharing one of my favorite soup recipes! It's cheap, delicious, and ridiculously simple to make (and to double or triple for large gatherings or to freeze for the future)!

Guest Post on The Suspense Zone
Today I'm a guest over on The Suspense Zone!
Susan always puts together interesting interview questions, so I'm happy to be sharing there once again. Come say hi! 

Guest Post on Just Romantic Suspense
I'm a guest over on Just Romantic Suspense today, talking about "Finding Home When You're on the Move."
One commenter will win a copy of OUTSIDE THE LAW, so go check it out!
Thanks to JRS for hosting me. 

New Release Day!

Today's the day!
My latest book, OUTSIDE THE LAW, is a March 2017 release... and if you're a fan of the TV show Quantico, or if you enjoyed my previous release UNKNOWN ENEMY and wanted to know more about the fictional country of Amar featured in that title... then you might want to pick this one up!
OUTSIDE THE LAW was inspired by my editor's request for heroes / heroines at the beginning of their careers (ie. FBI Academy, etc) and her love of shows like Quantico & wanting to see things like that... so I came up with this concept and here we are!
Here's the description (it's on the book page too):
When her apartment is besieged by masked gunmen, Yasmine Browder's convinced it's tied to her investigation into her brother's "accidental" death three weeks ago. Narrowly escaping, she flags down the car of a passerby she thought she'd never see again—her childhood crush. Unlike the local police, newly minted FBI agent Noel Black doesn't believe the attack is a coincidence, especially when the attempts on her life don't stop. Yasmine's onto the truth about her brother, and someone powerful wants her dead. With nobody to trust and just days out of training, Noel must find a way to keep her alive…because now that he's found Yasmine, he refuses to lose her again.
Hope you enjoy the story! Happy reading!
Guest Post on Just Romantic Suspense
I'm a guest over at Just Romantic Suspense today, talking about tension in romantic suspense novels and the quiet, tender moments that show a different side of the hero... head on over and chime into the discussion question to be entered to win a copy of UNKNOWN ENEMY!
The giveaway is open until tomorrow night, so don't delay! See you there!

Release Day!
The day is here!
It's the official release day for UNKNOWN ENEMY! Thanks to everyone who has supported this book throughout the process, and thanks to all my readers past, present & future. This book means a lot to me, so I hope you love it as much as I do!
If you like, take a photo of yourself with a copy of the book and/or where you see the book "in the wild" and tag me on Facebook or Twitter. I'd like to make an album of book photos on Facebook (and maybe share a few here!) as I've done in the past for FATAL FREEZE.
Happy Reading!

Guest Post on Lyn Cote's Blog
Hey, lovelies! I'm guest posting over on Lyn Cote's blog today -- I'm sharing
a healthy breakfast recipe for those crazy days when you're too busy to
eat...all you need is 2 minutes & a blender. There's a preview picture below...can you guess what the recipe will be?
Commenters on the post can also win a signed copy
Check it out & share as you like! :D
Killer Voices Debut #7 -- UNDER DURESS
It's time to celebrate! Another Killer Voices sister has had her debut novel published with Love Inspired Suspense, and this time it's Meghan Carver with UNDER DURESS.
Meghan joined the Killer Voices team a little after the initial group, which is proof that persistence pays off and listening to the feedback of editors is incredibly important!
UNDER DURESS is on sale now wherever Love Inspired Suspense books are sold.

Criminals are trying to kidnap attorney Samantha Callahan's adopted daughter, Lily—and she has no idea why. So when bullets start flying, Samantha and Lily speed off in her car…and crash right into help. Ex-cop Reid Palmer is shocked when former law school classmate Samantha rear-ends his car and then climbs in with her daughter and begs him to drive. Now they are on the run, and Reid will do anything to protect them and figure out why kidnappers are after Lily. As they struggle to evade capture, Reid begins to realize that Samantha is more to him than just a woman in trouble. But with the enemies closing in and their motives finally revealed, will Reid be able to make sure justice is served?
UNKNOWN ENEMY -- Official Cover!
It's here! It's here! The official cover for my May release, Unknown Enemy, has been given its official cover and I can share it with you!
Without further ado, here it is:

I love it! The building, the time of year,'s the perfect representation of the atmosphere and setting of the story.
And here's the official blurb:
For professor Ginny Anderson, translating a set of ancient tablets could be the coup of her career—or more danger than she can handle. Someone doesn't want the secrets of the artifacts to be revealed…and they'll kill to bury her discoveries. But former Secret Service agent Colin Tapping refuses to let anybody hurt Ginny and appoints himself as her protector—whether she wants one or not. Colin has made mistakes in the past, and keeping Ginny safe could be just what he needs to prove he's still a capable agent and win back his job. But is he willing to risk paying the ultimate price to reclaim his former life?
I'm really looking forward to sharing this story with the world. Only a few more months to go!
Autumn Has Arrived!
If you've been around this blog for any length of time or read any of the interviews I did around the release time of FATAL FREEZE, you're no stranger to this Fun Fact: I don't like cold weather! But what I do like is cool weather, specifically the kind that comes at the beginning of Fall.
Cooler weather means long-sleeved shirts, pumpkin everything, and... apples! Late summer / early Fall means our apple tree is ready for harvest. I'm still getting used to having an apple tree in our front yard -- in fact, we didn't even know it was an apple tree until two years ago, when we thought the little green apples that started appearing were crab apples.
Turns out they're not -- they're Macs! Last year I trimmed the tree and we had a small yield, and this year the summer was very dry, so I didn't think we'd get a whole lot. The fruit looked quite small until only a few weeks before summer ended... but then we got some heavy rainfall, a few warm days, and voila! The apples matured and we had a decent harvest after all!

I picked two baskets of apples, one is in the picture above. There's a second basket in the fridge right now, but the one above turned into slow cooker apple cider two nights ago. Delicious!
There were also a lot of dropped apples, which I assume happened because of the dry weather. But apparently that didn't matter to a neighbor, who knocked on our door yesterday and asked if she could take some of the dropped apples to make a pie. She took quite a few of them (I don't envy her work in cutting out the bugs & bruises!), so I suspect she'll have more than enough for a tasty pie. It makes me happy to know the dropped fruit didn't go to waste!

And I should also mention... the squirrels are enjoying the dropped apples too. They keep dragging apples onto our porch, having a nice snack, and then leaving the rest of the apple for the ants (or for another squirrel to eat later). Yay for multiple people & critters benefiting from our fruit tree!
What grew in your yard this year? Did you plant a garden or have you ever tried growing fruit?